Réveillon 2007





As is traditional in both our upbringings, we begin our celebrations with Midnight Mass on the night of the 24th. Afterwards, we come home for a much anticipated réveillon, a meal we devour after a month of Advent preparations. While not typically as austere as the Lenten period before Easter, which calls for an elevated sense of introspection and penance, it is still a time in which we’re called to prepare our hearts and minds for Christ’s birth.

Certainly, this carries a different meaning for every person. Here, in our own home, we’ve decided to move our tradition of opening gifts on Christmas Day to the Epiphany (January 6), also known as Three Kings Day (in reference to the visit of the Magi). It’s our small way of wanting to move away from the materialism and consumerism that, in the past, has distracted us from more important things and simply taken a toll on both of us.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for gifts; gifts are great. And, I’m definitely a gift-y kind of gal. Yet, Pierre and I both felt a need to go in a different direction and make our own tradition of celebrating Christmas. This holiday is special to us in many ways and thankfully, we can just be together — talking, sharing,playing, eating, and drinking, without the stress and anxiety of buying the right gift by December 25.

As for me, I’m grateful for the life I have with a devoted and truly loving spouse and my family and friends who offer constant warmth and support. I’m happy that I began this blog, which has introduced me to a very passionate and eclectic group of people – people who inspire and motivate me in a such a unique way. So, thank you for sharing your kind words, knowledge and wisdom to me these past few months.

Oh, before I forget, our menu de réveillon de Noël: Terrine de Foie Gras served with Muscat de Beaumes de Venise, Chapon (capon) à la Jen, Poireaux braisés (butter-braised leeks) and Marrons (roasted chestnuts).

With heartfelt wishes for a happy Christmas for all,

Christine (et Pierre)






5 Responses to “Réveillon 2007”

  1. chocolateshavings Says:

    That spread of food looks amazing!

  2. Jen Says:

    Oh, you two had quite a lovely celebration there! (Chestnuts?! Now I’m craving chestnuts…) I also applaud your moving of gift-opening until Jan 6. We have abandoned gift-giving for a few years now on principle, but of course – my niece and nephew always get gifts, they are little kids 🙂 Typically, I try to make something for them by hand… my way of emphasizing special things rather than the latest gizmo from *gasp* Walmart. To me, it is alarming where holiday consumerism is leading us (and the amount of $ spent!!). I’m with you 100% on getting back to the what it really means. I hope you and Pierre had a lovely Christmas. Jeremy and I send you every wish for a very special 2008. I’m so glad to have “met” you. If you are ever in our neck of the woods, know that you are always welcome. xxoo

  3. mycookinghut Says:

    Looks like we had quite the same kind of food during xmas!! I had chapon aux marrons et aux pommes!! Definitely delicious! I love marrons so much!
    Foie gras… I love it too but I can’t eat too much 🙂
    Hope you had a wonderful christmas!!

  4. holybasil Says:

    Thanks and merry christmas to you both!

    Jen- Yes, I try to make something by hand too, it’s means so much more to me. I’m definitely with you on giving gifts to children- unwrapping gifts is always fun for them.

    Thank you for being such a kindred spirit! We will be knocking on your door if we ever come to Colorado 🙂

    Mycookinghut –
    How fun that we had the same dinner! Your photos are so lovely – I wish I could’ve been there. Happy New Year to you!

  5. Andrea Says:

    Hey there Christine! I hopped on over to Holy Basil hoping that you could inspire me in the Three Kings’ Cake area – I need a recipe. But of course you would have had something exotic with ingredients I would not have on hand and as it is Sunday (and Epiphany already) I won’t be going to the store to get anything. So in a strange way, I was glad not to find anything on your site, this time, because the kids and I would have been disappointed if we could not make it. But may I suggest that you have something for us for next year? We wish you snowbirds a most blessed 2008 and we hope that the year will include an opportunity to visit again!

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