




On the last day of their visit here in Michigan, we took my parents to a local orchard run by the Erwin family in South Lyon. Erwin Orchards is a third-generation family farm located about 16 miles north of Ann Arbor with approximately 200 acres of fruit, including apples, raspberries, cherries and pumpkins. We tried some of their fresh-pressed, unpasteurized cider and we could see why it won the award for Best Apple Cider from the Michigan Horticultural Society four years in a row. And, according to their website, they are an environmentally friendly orchard, practicing Integrated Pest Management.

We arrived at the orchard less than two hours before closing time. Our friend John met up with us and we approached the window to purchase our 1/2 bushel bag to pick our own apples. I was looking forward to having my parents ride in the big wagon to the picking site. Sure, you may find it somewhat kitschy, but I think it’s fun nevertheless. Moreover, cider mills, wagons and tractors are not at all mundane to city dwellers like my parents and me.




Alas, at this point in the season, the trees that still had fruit were within walking distance from the entrance; there was no need to take the wagon. Without me asking, an orchard employee, Dave, offered to drive us in the wagon anyway. Before taking us to the apple picking trees, he drove us all around the entire orchard first. It was like a private tour of their scenic orchard! I’m pleased to include his photo above; his gentle smile reminding me of our happy outing.

With Thanksgiving and Christmas soon approaching, there is a plethora of apple pie and apple tart recipes saturating our magazine, book and online media. Don’t you love that word – plethora? If you say it with a lisp, it’s even more fun – plethhhhhora.

Anyhow, it seems most recipes come with lofty guarantees – that it’s the best apple-baked-thing-you’ll-ever-taste; that it has a flaky, buttery crust that is both easy and practically effortless to make (ha!); and that upon eating it, you’ll find you’ve actually gone to pie heaven.

I can’t promise you this recipe for Normandy Apple Tart will result in any sort of earth-shaking, religious experience. But you can bet your Euro that it is delicious in a comforting, warm-blanket-and-toasty fireplace-way with its crumbly pâte sablée crust, topped with a rosy, homemade applesauce and buttery slices of Golden Delicious apples. As a bonus, I added some crème de marrons (chestnut cream) to the applesauce that my good friend Mrs. Ellen G. gifted to me. I’ve had this in my cupboard for a while now and I’m happy to have found a great way to use it. It added a nutty, sweet taste to the slightly tart applesauce.

The recipe I used comes from Dorie Greenspan’s latest book, Baking: From My Home to Yours. In France, these tarts are often made with Reinette or Boskoop apples, to which ground almonds or custard may be added. In her variation, Ms. Greenspan suggests making the tart with common American varieties like Golden Delcious, Cortland or Empire. She also suggests making the pâte sablée in a food processor. I prefer to use my good ol’ pastry cutter to prepare the crust. It takes me just as long to clean the food processor afterwards than to simply use the pastry cutter and blend the dough with my own hands. Do what you prefer.

As for the homemade applesauce, it’s not too much work as long as you have a good food mill. You can toss the cooked, quartered apples into the mill and it will purée the apples, while it also separates the peel and pits. If you don’t use a food mill, you’ll need to peel and core the apples before cooking them down to form an applesauce.



adapted from Baking: From My Home to Yours






  • 2 lbs. apples (in this case, Red and Golden Delicious)
  • 1/3 cup of water + more, if necessary
  • 1 small lump of rock sugar or 1 tsp. raw sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • crème de marrons


  • Cut and quarter the apples. Place them in a 2-3 qt. heavy-bottomed saucepan. Add the water, sugar and salt. Cover with a lid.
  • Cook over med-low heat, stirring from time to time, for approximately 20-25 minutes. Apples should be soft enough to be mashed with a spoon.
  • Pass the apples through the food mill, into a bowl.
  • Add about 2 Tbl. of crème de marrons and stir to combine. Set aside to cool slightly.






  • 1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 9 Tbl. very cold, (or frozen) unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
  • 1 large egg yolk
  • 9-inch tart pan


  • In a mixing bowl (preferably glass, ceramic or metal), thoroughly combine the flour, sugar and salt.
  • Using a pastry cutter, blend the butter pieces with the flour mixture. Blend until you get pea-sized bits.
  • Add the egg yolk and blend with a spoon or your hands until just combined, being careful not to overwork the dough.
  • Reserve a small piece of dough for patching up the tart crust, if needed.
  • Pour the dough onto the tart pan and press the dough into the pan and up the sides. (The crumbly nature of this dough makes it difficult to roll, but you can try if you like).
  • Freeze the crust for at least 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 375F.
  • Butter the shiny side of a piece of aluminum foil and fit the foil, butter side down, tightly against the crust.
  • Place the tart pan on a baking sheet and partially bake the crust (on the center rack) for about 20-25 minutes. Remove the foil and patch the crust with the reserved dough, if necessary.
  • Transfer the tart pan onto a cooling rack.






  • 2 medium apples (preferably Golden Delicious)
  • homemade applesauce [see above recipe]
  • 1 large egg, beaten with 1/2 tsp. water, for egg wash
  • 1/4 cup of apple jelly + 1 tsp. water, for the glaze (optional)


  • Preheat the oven to 375F.
  • Peel the apples. Quarter them and remove the cores.
  • Cut thin slices from each of the quarters (about 7 slices).
  • Next, top the cooled tart crust with the applesauce and spread out in an even layer.
  • Top the applesauce with the apple slices – you can use whatever configuration fancies you. Perhaps a rosette pattern?
  • Brush the apples with the egg wash and bake for approx. 45-50 minutes. The apples should be golden, their edges slightly browned and soft enough to be pierced easily with a tip of a knife.
  • Transfer to a cooling rack.
  • Heat the apple jelly and water in a small sauce pan until liquefied. Using a pastry brush, brush the top of the tart with the glaze.
  • Serve the tart warm or at room temperature.




Bon appétit!


18 Responses to “Apple-a-Pickin’”

  1. Lil John Says:

    Yes, Erwin apple’s .. mmmmhhhh .. Look it’s me carrying the apple. Yes!!

  2. mycookinghut Says:

    I love your pictures! Tart Normande c’est bon!

  3. Rose Says:

    Oh Christine,
    From the orchard to the apples, the picture and now this Tarte Normande…everything is killing me. It was a great way to enjoy the last day of your parents in Michigan. And thanks for the link on this orchard, it sounds like heaven on earth.
    Oh!!and is this creme de Marons I see on the picture?
    Bon voyage a tes parnets

  4. SteamyKitchen Says:

    stunning photograph!

  5. Pierre Says:

    Wow, what a super delicious and tasty tarte aux pommes it was…. I almost regret that I had to fly to California for a few days… now I have to wait until I get back…. I just hope you will keep a slice for me…. Bisous!

  6. pleasurepalate Says:

    That picture of your Normandy apple tart is really mesmerizing. It looks (almost) too good to eat!

  7. TikiPundit Says:

    This looks great and just begs to be eaten with cidre.

  8. deb Says:

    What stunning photos!

  9. holybasil Says:

    Salut tout le monde!

    Thank you all for your lovely comments. Our apple-picking time was so much fun – I’m pleased you enjoyed the photos.

    Rose – Mais oui, c’est la crème de marrons!

  10. Jen Says:

    Oh! I want a food mill now 🙂 Such a pretty pastry you made there. Makes me miss the numerous varieties we used to get in Ithaca, NY at the Cornell Orchards.

    I thought your friend was your father at first glance! I was going to compliment you on having such a youthful dad 😉 hee hee.

  11. chocolateshavings Says:

    Great photo! This reminds me of so many fresh fruit tarts I had on childhood vacations in the South of France. Yours looks wonderful!

  12. Mandy Says:

    nice photos. I have seen the normandy tart from Greenspan’s book too. Have been wanting to try my hands on that. Your post inspires me to make it soon. 🙂 I only hope that mine will turn out as nice as yours!(fat chance)

  13. holybasil Says:

    I love my food mill! It makes the best tomato soup and evidently, great applesauce as well. The food mill and my mortar and pestle are what I’d take with me in a fire. And my camera.

    chocolateshavings –
    I’m very pleased with my tart – though it somehow cannot compare to the ones I ate in France, not sure why… the air, the wine, the people, the times.

    I have to admit, this tart was more involved than the free-form, rustic apple tart I usually make. Judging from your blog posts, I imagine yours will be great.

  14. Anne Boulley Says:

    I found a recipe that uses frangipane (almond cream) instead of the applesauce as the medium for holding the apple slices in the tart shell. I wonder how they compare. Guess I’ll have to bake both and report back!

  15. holybasil Says:

    There are numerous variations on this tart. I love the one with frangipane. I’ve also had a Gâteau des Rois that had frangipane and apples. The almond and apple combination is really fabulous. If you try it, I’m sure you’ll love it (considering you like almond and frangipane in the first place). Please do let me know how it turns out. Alors, bonne chance!

  16. Quynh Tran Says:

    wow, i’m speechless!! I’m so proud to have a friend who can make such a beautiful apple tart. I’m sure it tastes good too.

  17. Jim M Says:

    Hi … Jim M from Chowhound here. Thank you for your kind offer of help in planning to eat my way across Southern California–I’ll keep you posted! In the meantime, I’m enjoying your blog. I actually have a French sister-in-law. Just to keep the stereotype from solidifying, she’s a pretty lousy cook. But at the holidays and for any other occasion where she feels she has to turn out something fairly elaborate, she makes this tart. It’s really tasty, and lovely to look at.

  18. holybasil Says:

    Thank you all for your kind sentiments 🙂

    Jim- All stereotypes aside, I have an aunt who’s quite possibly the world’s lousiest cook. Interestingly, she doesn’t know it. I’m glad you can at least enjoy your sister-in-law’s tart.

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